Access Control Systems
(818) 882-4000
A Proud History Of Leadership And Innovation
America’s Oldest Access Control Systems Manufacturer
Toye Corporation Terms, Conditions & Warranty
Credit Limit: Customer’s credit limit is subject to the approval of Toye Corporation’s Credit Department. Credit approvals are at the sole discretion of the Toye Corporation’s Credit Department which reserves the right to change Customer’s credit limit at any time.
Payment Terms: Customer will pay all invoices within thirty (30) days from the date on the invoice. Amounts which remain unpaid for thirty (30) days or more after the date on the invoice are overdue and can result in the Customer’s account being placed on credit hold plus other actions as appropriate. An interest charge of 1.5% may be added monthly to past due amounts.
In the event Toye Corporation incurs collection costs or institutes suit to collect any amount owed by Customer under this Agreement, Customer agrees to pay Toye Corporation’s collection costs (including, without limitation, its attorneys’ fees and courtcosts).
Order Processing: All orders must be received in writing via fax, email or mail. No verbal orders will be processed. Orders will be processed in the order of which they have been received. If you need your order expedited please advise our office when placing your order. All Toye Corporation equipment, firmware, and software are configured site specific to a particular end user, therefore are NOT subject to return for credit. Toye Corporation may, at its discretion authorize the return of goods, but only when specifically approved and authorized by Toye Corporation in writing and may result in a 15% to 25% restocking fee.
Limited Conditional Warranty: This warranty is limited to equipment and software actually produced by Toye Corporation, and it specifically excludes equipment, firmware, and software produced by others, but resold or included with the Toye produced products.
Toye Corporation warrants equipment, firmware, and software it produces for a period of one year. Products found to be defective will be repaired or replaced as determined appropriate by Toye Corporation. Any defects or “bugs” found to be present in Toye Corporation equipment, firmware, or software will be addressed and resolved when verified in a reasonable time without charge.
Limited Conditional Warranty (continued): Toye Corporation accepts no responsibility whatsoever for any consequential costs or damages associated with the failure of its equipment, firmware, or software. No other warranty is expressed or implied.
It is the purchaser’s responsibility to determine the suitability of Toye Corporation products for the intended application. Since Toye Corporation does not supply or recommend the use of specific computers, door, gate, peripheral hardware, or other associated devices, no warranty is expressed or implied regarding their suitability or performance.
This warranty is void if equipment, firmware, or software is modified or altered, or not properly installed and protected from the elements. All warranty work must be performed at the Toye Corporation factory, with all costs of removal, transportation in both directions, and reinstallation the responsibility of others. As a manufacturer only, Toye Corporation does not provide field service, inspection or consultation at job sites.
All Toye Corporation equipment, firmware, and software are configuration specific, and therefore not subject to return for credit. Toye Corporation may, at its discretion authorize the return of goods, but only when specifically approved and authorized by Toye Corporation in writing.